唐坎宁安 is a resident and native of Bergen NY and a 1981 graduate of Byron-Bergen Central School.
He is currently employed by Liberty Pumps as Manufacturing Manager and is a member of the Executive Team. 他之前在利伯缇泵公司担任的职务包括机械加工主管, 粉末涂料, 装配部. Don carries over 33 years of manufacturing experience with various management roles and emphasis in machining, 工具, 机械制造, 亮到中组装, 铸造操作, 和制造.
Don was an elected member of the Bergen Town Board for 16 years carrying the position of Deputy Supervisor from 2007-2009, 2010-2017年卑尔根镇督导员, 现任代理副监督员. 除了 he has served various positions with non-profit organizations and committees to include; Genesee Association of Municipalities (President 2014, 2015, 2012年副总裁, 2013, 销售税分配委员会(2016-至今), 领导委员(2009-2013年LG保龄球锦标赛委员会共同主席), 怀俄明县联合之路(董事会前任成员) & Allocations Committee), The Bergen Business and Civic Association, and The Bergen Fire Departmen
审计委员会: & 金融
乔纳森添头, CPA is a Director in Freed Maxik's Enterprise Advisory Services Practice who focused on corporate and flow-through tax, 高净值个人税收, 和联邦 & 多态traxation. 除了 to taxation, Jonathan leads review and compilation atest engagements for his clients. Additional areas of focus in taxation include federal and state tax credits and incentives, 会计核算方法, UNICAP 263, 遗产和企业继承规划, 以及有形财产和成本回收. Jonathan was a leader in the firm's response to federal legislation surrounding the CARES Act most notably focused on the Paycheck Protection Program and the Employee Retention Credit.
Jonathan拥有超过11年的公共会计经验. 在他的职业生涯中, 乔纳森在制造业工作, 汽车经销商, 房地产, 设备租赁及销售, 建设, restaurant and hospitality and medical and professionals service clients to save taxes and preserve wealth. Jonathan stays abreast to all regulatory and legislative changes to properly consult and advist his clients.
乔纳森是卡尼修斯学院的优等毕业生, 获得会计和金融学士学位, 同时也是NYSSCPA和AICPA的会员. 他是一个商人 & SUNY Genesee社区学院会计顾问委员会成员, 联合纪念医疗中心竞选内阁成员, a Committee Member for the Batavia Development Corporation's Small Business Working Group, 巴达维亚基瓦尼斯俱乐部的财务主管. 乔纳森是领导力基金会2016届的成员. 他毕业于巴达维亚高中,与妻子住在巴达维亚, 克丽丝蒂, 和他们的三个儿子.
治理委员会: & 提名(椅子)
莎拉Noble-Moag是Linwood Management Group, 有限责任公司的人事经理. 在这个角色中,她协调人员配置, 员工工资和福利, communication and recruitment for the group along with being responsible for overseeing internal personnel controls and staffing for Noblehurst Farms and Synergy 有限责任公司 Dairy.
作为craig Station Ventures的成员, 与美国奶农协会的合资企业, 诺伯赫斯特正在现场建造一个冷分离牛奶加工设备. 在这七代家族和主要员工中, Noblehurst Farms has carefully incorporated technology and management strategies combined with education, 培训和网络将业务从一代传到下一代. 林伍德管理集团为乳品公司提供管理服务. It is principally a people-based business and is extensively experienced in all aspects of dairy business management. Client relationships are typically contractual engagements with owners who seek a proven, 专业乳品管理公司经营日常职能业务.
Sarah is the past President of the Board of Education for the Pavilion Central Schools, 并继续在审计委员会任职. 她在我们农村社区的教育和培训方面一直发挥着积极的作用, 倡导平价住房, 优质公众教育. Sarah目前任职于农业附属公司董事会, which provides leadership necessary to build a strong workforce for agriculture in the Northern U. S. and is a member of the National Council of Agricultural Employers and 纽约 State Agricultural Society. 她毕业于Cornell University,毕业于LEAD 纽约 Class VI. 萨拉是卡温顿长老会的长老, and has served on the Committee on Ministry and Migration Working Group (a forum on immigration reform) for the Presbytery of the Genesee Valley. 她和丈夫蒂莫西·莫格育有三个成年子女:格里芬、雷拉和奥斯汀.
Torrey currently works as a commercial 房地产 agent and licensed 房地产 appraiser across 纽约 State and is the is the managing partner of Springbrooke Properties, 有限责任公司.
Torrey supports the community as a member of the Board of Directors for Genesee County Soil & Water Conservation District, Genesee Cancer Assistance and Tonawanda Valley Federal Credit Union. Torrey is the past president of the Batavia Development Corporation and past member of the City 巴达维亚的 Planning and Development Committee. 他目前在亚历山大镇的杰内西县立法机构任职, 伯大尼, 和馆. 他与妻子杰西卡和女儿罗文住在伯大尼.
Mr. 巴塔利亚’s leadership qualities and skills have been recognized in the community through his involvement and recognitions in several community 非营利组织. 他曾在许多董事会任职,包括联合纪念医疗中心, 天主教卫生系统, 巴达维亚扶轮社, 统一的方式, 私营企业议会, 商业教育联盟, 田纳西商会, 田纳西,怀俄明,boce和基督教青年会. 他还因社区活动获得了许多服务奖.
Mr. 巴塔利亚毕业于圣. 博纳旺蒂尔大学. After graduation he accepted a position with the Buffalo office of the international accounting firm of Price Waterhouse & 他曾在公司担任审计经理. 在那里的职业生涯中. 巴塔利亚 had extensive experience with and was responsible for audit engagements of many clients in areas of manufacturing, 当地政府, 零售业, 食品加工及配送, 运输, 非营利组织. Mr. 巴塔利亚离开了普华永道 & 他在1980年创办了自己的公司,也就是后来著名的巴塔利亚, Andrews & Moag P.C. 他是巴塔利亚, Andrews的总经理 & Moag P.C. 当公司与弗里德·马克·萨克斯合并时 & 墨菲成为了弗里德·马克西克 & 巴塔利亚,.C.
Mr. 巴塔利亚是美国注册会计师协会的成员, 纽约州注册会计师协会, the Institute of Management Accountants and the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts.
审计委员会: & 金融
马克布鲁克斯 is currently a Vice President at Tompkins Community Bank servicing a multi-million dollar portfolio as a commercial lender. 马克和他的妻子切丽住在勒罗伊. 他毕业于尼亚加拉大学(Niagara University),获得学士学位.S. 商业学位(经济/金融方向). 马克获得罗切斯特理工学院金融专业工商管理硕士学位.
Mark currently serves the community as the Vice President of the Pavilion Central School Hall of Fame Board. 他也是特奥会的志愿者.
除了经营CY农场,Yunker在社区中也很活跃. 他曾于1984年至1991年担任杰纳西县立法机构主席, 他是杰纳西县社区学院的前理事, 现任Tomkins Financial Corporation/ Bank of Castile董事, 现任康奈尔大学理事.
Yunker holds a BS degree in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University and a MS degree in Resource Economics from the University of New Hampshire. He currently resides in Elba with his wife Kimberly and is a proud father of three children and grandfather to two grandchildren.
治理委员会: & 提名
彼得H. Zeliff是EIF可再生能源控股公司的高级执行副总裁兼首席运营官, 该公司全资拥有奥克菲尔德创新能源系统公司, 纽约, an independent developer and energy provider specializing in the recovery and utilization of landfill gas. 除了创立创新能源系统, he also developed a proprietary gas pretreatment system which is utilized at all his projects. 在垃圾填埋气体行业有超过二十年的经验, he is responsible for the management and financial operations of the company as well as oversight of the engineering, 设计, 允许, 并建设公司的垃圾填埋气能源回收项目. 他得了B.S. 罗彻斯特理工学院电气工程专业毕业.